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Art. 7 - Active Members
Those who possess or are recognized experts on Alfa Romeo 6C 2300B or 6C 2500 cars may become active Members. They shall undertake to pay the yearly fees and their membership shall be declared expired should the said fees remain unpaid beyond the term established by the Treasurer. Aspiring Members must make a written request to join the Association.
If a period of 60 days should pass without any objections (complete with grounds) having been received by the Members of the Committee of Local Chairmen, then their membership shall begin as from receipt of the membership fee.
The yearly fees for the membership is EUR 80,00 and must be paid to the Register's Treasurer: Fabrizio Borghi
Banca: Banco di Desio
Iban number: IT42 D034 4033 8700 0000 0454 100
Causale: 'Membership 6C2500 Register'